Cheers to all us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The New Year Meme
1. Looking back on 2008, what might your theme song have been?
2. If 2008 was a movie, who would play you?
3. What was your greatest gift of 2008?
4. What is your New Year Resolution, or, what are you committing to this year?
5. If January could be represented by one song, what would it be?
6. What do you wish for your body in 2009?
7. Name one new thing you would love to try in the New Year.
8. What do you long for 2009 to bring?
9. If that happened, how would you feel?
10. Where would you love to vacation in 2009 if money were no object?
11. What would you like the theme of 2009 to be?
12. If 2009 was a book, and the title was 5 words or less, what might the title be?
Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!
Happy New Year! Thanks for playing today...
Thanks for going on in the new year!
Thought I'd try it again this week...
Mine are up ...Happy Sunday!
I'm back! Happy Sunday!
Oooh, a New Year's meme. How original of you! hehehe
Mine's up! ;)
This is fun.
Done :)
loved doing it !!
I couldn't resist!
Very late but posted :)
Hey there, Danette here.
I didn't steal this, though I'm happy you did. I love reading all the answers.
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