Sunday Stealing: The Majorly Personal Meme, Part The Last
Cheers to all of us thieves!
21. If you were to live your life without your best friend, what would change?
22. Tell us about a era of your life that you really miss.
23. Have you ever been betrayed by someone that came as a complete surprise? Without revealing the person, if yes, tell us about it.
24. Do you ever think that is a good idea to hide your feelings?
25. Tell us about your favorite year when you were a student.
25. When was the last time you were in a very good mood? What caused it?
26. Have you ever had a romantic relationship with a sibling of a good friend?
27. Tell us about the last thing that you did that you truly regret.
28. When did you laughed today?
29. Do you trust easily?
30. What do you care about that you wish more people would?
31. Is it easier for you to go without food or go without sleep?
32. What non-alcohol beverage do you enjoy drinking the most?
33. When you walk into a room full of strangers, generally how is your confidence?
34. Does talking about sex with anyone but your lover make you uncomfortable?
35. Do you tend to believe members of the opposite sex mostly behave the same way?
36. Did you drink any alcohol this week? If yes, what?
37. Would you ever consider being a vegetarian?
38. Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for someone?
39. Do you believe in the concept of soul mates?
40. Last week, we had a few players criticize our victim’s question. Which is fine to do and we value your opinion. Would you ever consider writing questions for Bud and me to post on a Sunday Stealing?
Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!
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