Sunday Stealing: The Community Meme
Cheers to all of us thieves!
1. As a blogger, what do you draw inspirations from for your posts?
2. If you could swap blogs with another blogger for a post, who would you switch with and why?
3. If your blog had a theme song, what would it be? Why?
4. What is your writing process for a post?
5. Your blog requires a cute, new, mascot - what would it be?
6. Do you feel you express your "true self" on your blog?
7. What is your biggest online pet-peeve?
8. If you could live in a fictional universe, where would you live? Why?
9. You're having a bad day, you're upset, you're angry, or you're sad - what is your go-to comfort?
10. What is your favorite inspirational quote?
11. If they were to make a movie based on your life, who would play you, your leading lady/man, your best friend, and your rival?
12. Do you think the world is going to end in 2012?
13. If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
14. What is your favorite season and why?
15. You've been bitten by a vampire. Would you fight it with all your undead being or would you embrace it for all it is worth?
16. Have you personally met any of your blogger friends?
17. What does your favorite pair of underwear look like?
18. Have you ever drank something right from the container in the refrigerator knowing other people will have to drink out of the same container later?
19. What is your favorite word and explain why?
20. 2011 is soon coming to a close, is there anything you'd like to do different on your blog in the year 2012?
Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Stop back and visit other player’s posts. That is really what this is all about, making new friends! Have a great week. See you next Sunday!
Is anyone else neglecting the wrapping of children's christmas gifts and mindless senseless housekeeping for memes? I feel like i should be preparing for next week but I am to drawn to my laptop to care...
Cheers Thieves!
<3 Sammi Lee
This may have been the catalyst to get me back into blogging on a regular basis. Love the SS blog!
my Sunday stealing entry is up here.
Happy Sunday, everyone!
Great questions.Really made you think.
I know it is very late, but I have done a belated Sunday Stealing post. Would love you guys to check it out and give me some feedback.
What, this is an old one? But I enjoyed it so! :)
I saved this ages ago but have just gotten around to filling it out and posting! Brilliant set of questions :D my post is here: http://dasiahasablog.blogspot.com/2012/01/fascinating-glimpse-into-psychology-of.html
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