January 19, 2024

Sunday Stealing


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Swap Bot

1. If you could have a remote control that could pause time, what would you do with it?

2. What's the silliest thing you believed as a child that you wish were true now?

3. If your life had a theme song that played every time you entered a room, what song would it be?

4. If you were a vegetable, and someone accidentally ate you, what would you want them to say after the first bite?

5. If you were a flavor of ice cream, which one would you be, and why?

6. What's the strangest thing you've ever googled or searched for on the internet?

7. If your pet could suddenly talk, what do you think it would say to you first?

8. If you were a character in a video game, what would be your special move?

9. What's the most bizarre item you've ever bought online?

10. If you could replace the sound of one everyday activity with your own voice, which activity would you choose?

11. If you were a punctuation mark, which one would you be, and how would you punctuate people's sentences?

12. If you could have any celebrity be your personal assistant for a day, who would it be, and what tasks would you assign them?

13. What would be the worst "buy one, get one free" sale item ever?

14. If you could trade places with any fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be, and what would you do differently in their story?

15. If you had to live inside a TV show for a month, which show would you pick, and why?


1 comment:

  1. My blog was down 4 hours on Saturday, but the problem should be rectified.


We're so happy to host WTIT's Sunday Stealing. If you really want to thank us, please "like" WTIT on Facebook. (Top right column of this blog) But it's not a rule. We hate those. Happy Sunday!