Welcome to Sunday Stealing. I'm Bud. We are search of a new host. Next week will start a temporary host. Each
week we will continue the tradition of stealing questions and posting
them. Please leave a comment with your blog's info, for I do not have access to Mr. Linky yet. & voilĂ ! Here are
today's questions:
Sunday Stealing: The Put Your Questions in the Box Questions
1. Where were you three hours ago?
2. Make a confession.
3. Bad habits?
4. Favorite color?
5. Can you drive?
7. Last person you hugged.
8. Something you miss.
9. What song is stuck in your head at the moment?
10. Favorite quote.
11. Favorite band.
12. Something you're excited for.
13. Favorite movie.
14. What type of phone do you have?
15. Favorite animal.
Thank you for playing! Please sign in below. See you next weekend!