February 28, 2025

Put Your Questions in a Box Questions


Welcome to Sunday Stealing. I'm Bud. We are search of a new host. Next week will start a temporary host. Each week we will continue the tradition of stealing questions and posting them. Please leave a comment with your blog's info, for I do not have access to Mr. Linky yet. & voilà! Here are today's questions:

Sunday Stealing: The Put Your Questions in the Box Questions

1. Where were you three hours ago?

2. Make a confession.

3. Bad habits?

4. Favorite color?

5. Can you drive?

6. 3 pet peeves.

7. Last person you hugged.

8. Something you miss.

9. What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

10. Favorite quote.

11. Favorite band.

12. Something you're excited for.

13. Favorite movie.

14. What type of phone do you have?

15. Favorite animal.

Thank you for playing! Please sign in below. See you next weekend!


  1. Thanks for renewing Sunday Stealing! (You may want to note the questions are below your pinned post, I didn't see them at first.) Also, Mr. Linky?

  2. Can't find Mr Linky but...here's mine:

  3. Here's mine: https://www.kwizgiver.com/2025/03/sunday-stealing.html

  4. Mine is here https://lemonscottage.blogspot.com/2025/03/sunday-stealing-is-back.html
    Mister Linky has a free version that I use until you get access.

  5. Happy Sunday Stealing time!!! https://www.momentsofintrospection.com/2025/03/sunday-stealing-put-your-questions-in.html

  6. And here's mine. Better late than never. https://pandoraqueenofdenial.blogspot.com/2025/03/put-your-questions-in-box-questions.html

  7. I just discovered this! https://www.rogerogreen.com/2025/03/04/the-return-of-sunday-stealing/

  8. Glad to see that this site is continuing to trek on! I may be interested in hosting. I haven't posted on any of my blogs in ages, but I'm willing to come out of "retirement" to help with Sunday Stealing, as I've followed it for years and have grown quite a soft spot for the blog. Here's my profile page: https://www.blogger.com/profile/03611190440513618427

    (I hope Bev is doing all right, by the way.)

  9. I'm so glad you are back! We've missed you so much!! I've actually been going back to some of your posts from 2009 and 2010 and getting some questions from old posts so that I would continue to write! I hope all is well with you!!

  10. Aha...found it!



We're so happy to host WTIT's Sunday Stealing. If you really want to thank us, please "like" WTIT on Facebook. (Top right column of this blog) But it's not a rule. We hate those. Happy Sunday!