August 25, 2018


Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from Phoenix, the Blogging Mama, which is now a private blog, unfortunately

1. How has your life most benefited from the Internet? Whether it’s meeting people, cutting business overhead, finding rare collectibles, or simply sharing funny cat pictures, share how the web has made life easier.

2. The getaway car is waiting outside – where is it taking you?

3. Do you reply to comments on your blog? All of them? Or just the really interesting ones?  Do you go back to check if the authors or the blogs you comment on reply to your comments?

4. On average, how long does it take you to make an important decision?

5. Do you gather a lot of information prior to making the decision, or do you go with your gut in the heat of the moment?

6. What’s the most important thing you’ve learned recently?

7. What’s your hidden talent? Are you double-jointed? Can you sneeze the alphabet? Share your unique skill.

8. Rate the level of intensity you have about wanting to know God – no desire, low priority, curious, great desire, high priority, desperate to learn more. Explain your answer.

9. What’s one of your nicknames?  How did you get that nickname?

10. What do you have to have with you when you travel? Why?

11. What do you think about reading books on an electronic reading device? Do you have an electronic reading device? Do you love it? Why? If you don’t love it, why not?

12. Do you prefer writing on paper or a keyboard? Why?

13. If the shoes make the man (or woman), what do your shoes say about you right now? (Assuming you’re wearing shoes. Although if you’re not, that certainly says something, too.)

14. Describe your favorite pair of shoes.

15. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one ability or quality, what would it be?

BONUS:  When they "cool sculpt" your body, where does the fat go?


  1. Happy Sunday friends!


We're so happy to host WTIT's Sunday Stealing. If you really want to thank us, please "like" WTIT on Facebook. (Top right column of this blog) But it's not a rule. We hate those. Happy Sunday!