September 21, 2008

The "All About Me" Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Alex at Someday Syndrome. He claims that "a whole bunch of people did this verb meme a while back including the Urban Panther, the Urbane Lion, Monika and Cath..." And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off from you", please let us know. Our email address is We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The "All About Me" Meme

Complete each sentence.

I am:

I think:

I know:

I have:

I wish:

I hate:

I miss:

I fear:

I hear:

I smell:

I crave:

I search:

I wonder:

I regret:

I love:

I ache:

I am not:

I believe:

I dance:

I sing:

I cry:

I fight:

I win:

I lose:

I never:

I always:

I confuse:

I listen:

I can usually be found:

I am scared:

I need:

I am happy about:

I imagine:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!


MaliMali - Smile! :o) said...

I'm so excited that I can participate in fun things like this... I'm new to Blogspot and I'm happy to be part of the fun! Thank you for hosting! =o]

Mimi Lenox said...

I'm up!
at Bloggingham Palace

Wapsicle said...

Mine's up.

Happy Sunday Stealing everyone!

Bud Fisher said...

Happy Stealing!

Princess Vien said...

It's my first time here. Thanks for hosting.

Coffee Slut said...

Great meme!
Happy Sunday all!

Debbie said...

good one - took me a while to finish

Anonymous said...

Mine is here. Happy SS!

Jodi said...

Great one Judd! Mine is up. :)

Kwizgiver said...

Happy Stealing!

Bjørn said...

Cool meme. But I messed up the link. The link to this week's answers is

datri said...

For some reason, that was a bit harder this week. Maybe I'm just tired cause my kid got up at 2:30AM!

Deana said...

Thanks...some of those were tougher than you'd think.

ShannonW said...

What a great steal this week! I played along.

LadyWolf said...

Mine are up..what fun they were. =D

Lisa G said...

This is my fav so far...I'm up!

Anonymous said...


Judd Corizan said...

Welcome! We are glad to have you join us!

We need the Queen of Memes in the house. Thanks!

Glad you are here!

Would you just go away?

Congrats on your first time. welcome!


And a good job you did!

Happy SS back at cha!


And to you as well...

Good to see you...

No sleep and young kids can do that...

Some of this can be a lot tougher than they first appear...

Always great to see you!

Welcome back!

Nurse Exec-
Glad you like it!

Thanks for playing again!

Crushed said...

I kind of decided to vary it a bit...

Kind of a blending of ideas..

Mel said...

I'm finally up!

Cat. said...

I'm up. I love the idea for this blog--and I was sure I'd done this one sometime in the past.

But that was then, although I can't find any trace of it. These are totally different answers tonight anyway. ;-)

Jessica said...

That was really fun...makes you think about a lot of stuff!

I enjoyed participating

Judd Corizan said...

What you did rocked!

We thought you'd be around!

You CAN do the same meme twice and if enough time has passed, have totally different answers.

We are glad you are here, too!