December 28, 2008

The TV Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Christina from Call Me Patsy She states that she lifted the meme that "she's seen everyone doing". Not us however, until today. It was probably stolen by the author of that blog, as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The TV Meme

1. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice:

2. Name a show you can't miss:

3. Name an actor that would make you more inclined to watch a show:

4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show:

5. Name a show you can, and do, quote from:

6. Name a show you like that no one else enjoys:

7. Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song:

8. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch:

9. Name a TV series you own:

10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium, but has surprised you with his/her acting chops in television:

11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series?

12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch, but you just haven't gotten around to yet:

13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad?

14. Name a show that's made you cry multiple times:

15. What do you eat when you watch TV?

16. How often do you watch TV?

17. What's the last TV show you watched?

18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV?

19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with?

20. What TV show do you wish you never watched?

21. What's the weirdest show you enjoyed?

22. What TV show scared you the most?

23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched?

Happy New Year from all of us at Sunday Stealing! Have a terrific time and please have a designated driver if you go out and about! Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

December 21, 2008

The Screaming Masses' Meme

On behalf of all of us at Sunday Stealing, Happy Holidays!

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Carmen at the blog Mom to the Screaming Masses. She states that she lifted the meme from Mim's site. It was probably stolen by the author of that blog, as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

1. What is a nickname a former (or present) lover gave you?

2. How do you style your hair? If you just would say "cut" what style is it?

3. What's your least favorite Christmas song?

4. How many colors are you wearing now?

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

6. What was the last book you read?

7. What's one piece of fiction that changed your life?

8. If you are attracted to someone who is already in a relationship (or married), what might do you do?

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

10. What's your favorite dessert?

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

12. Name one website that you visit daily. Why do you read it?

13. What was your last job before either you are at home or at another job??

14. Do you like to clean?

15. What was the last song to get stuck in your head?

16. What's the last movie you saw?

17. Pirates or Ninjas?

18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday?

19. Best time of your life?

20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

December 14, 2008

The Christmas Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Mary Poppins at the blog It’s Not All Mary Poppins. A bit of trivia: She is the first person we ripped off who also won The Rising Blogger award while we were still at that blog's helm. She states that she lifted the meme from Creative Gene. It was probably stolen by the author of that blog, as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The Christmas Meme

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

2. Real tree or Artificial?

3. When do you put up the tree?

4. When do you take the tree down?

5. Do you like eggnog?

6. Favorite gift received as a child?

7. Hardest person to buy for?

8. Easiest person to buy for?

9. Do you have a nativity scene?

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?

12. Favorite for Christmas dinner?

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present?

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?

16. Lights on the tree?

17. Favorite Christmas song?

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?

19. Angel on the tree top or a star?

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

December 7, 2008

The Battle of the Memes

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Yellojkt at the blog Foma. It is really two memes. He calls the post “The Battle of the Memes” since he ripped one off from Harmonica Man and the other from Blogography. We combined them for one meme. And we don’t know where these two got the memes. But, it was probably stolen at both blogs as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The Battle of the Memes

1. When you buy a greetings card are the words or the picture more important to you?

2. Do you ever make gifts for people, if so what, or do you buy them?

3. Are you going on holiday this year? If so, where?

4. What was the best party you've ever been to?

5. If you are married, describe your wedding. If not, what would your ideal wedding be like?

6. What's the most romantic thing that's ever been said to you?

7. What's your favorite romantic song?

8. Favorite heartbreak song?

9. Which celebrity would you like a dream date with?

10. Which female celebrity do you find beautiful??

11. Which male celebrity do you think is attractive?

12. Describe the kind of underwear you normally wear.

13. If you could be in a television sit-com, which would you choose?

14. Which character would you like to be?

15. What are your favorite boy and girl names?

16. What's your supermarket of choice?

17. What is your best character trait?

18. What is your worst habit?

19. Elaborate on your default icon.

20. What is your current relationship status?

21. Ever have a near death experience?

22. Name an obvious quality about you?

23. What’s the name of a song stuck in your head right now?

24. Name a celebrity you would marry.

25. Do you like pain?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

November 30, 2008

The Seven Layer Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Dr. Medusa at Professional Mirror, Ph.D. She explains that she's seen it around, most recently at Life of a Fool. But, it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sumday Stealing: The Seven Layer Meme

LAYER 1: Tell us your...

* Name:
* Birthday (month, day):
* Birthplace:
* Current location:
* Eye color:
* Hair color:
* Height:
* Righty or lefty:
* Zodiac sign:

LAYER 2: What's...

* Your heritage:
* The shoes you wore today:
* Your weakness:
* Your fears:
* Your perfect pizza:
* Goals you’d like to achieve:
* Your first waking thoughts:
* Your best physical feature:
* Your most missed memory:

LAYER 3: Do you...

* Smoke:
* Cuss:
* Sing:
* Do you think you’ve been in love:
* Did you go to college:
* Liked high school:
* Want to get/stay married:
* Believe in yourself:
* Think you’re attractive:
* Think you’re a health freak:
* Get along with your parent(s):
* Like thunderstorms:
* Play an instrument:

LAYER 4: In the past month have you…

* Drank alcohol:
* Smoked:
* Done a drug:
* Made out:
* Gone on a date:
* Gone to the mall:
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos:.
* Eaten sushi:
* Been on stage:
* Been dumped:
* Gone skating:
* Gone skinny dipping:
* Stolen Anything:

LAYER 5: Have you ever…

* Played a game that required removal of clothing:
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:
* Been caught “doing something”:
* Been called a tease:
* Gotten beaten up:
* Shoplifted:


* Age you did get/hope to be married:
* Numbers and names of children (either you have or want):
* Describe your dream mate:
* How do you want to die:
* What did you want to be when you grow up:
* What country would you most like to visit:

LAYER 7: Now tell...

* Name a drug you’ve taken illegally:
* Name a person you could trust with my life:
* Name a favorite CD that you own:
* Number of piercings:
* Number of tattoos:
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper:
* Name a past experience that you regret:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

November 23, 2008

The Favorite Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Alissa Sanderson at Life's Little Adventures. She explains that she was tagged for this meme from Holly’s blog. But, it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The Favorite Meme

Fill in your favorite for each of the following:

1. Political show:

2. Picnic food:

3. Mixed drink:

4. U.S. President:

5. Kind of student to teach:

6. Hobby you do or wish you still did:

7. Sports commentator:

8. Sport to watch on TV:

9. Animal to have as a pet:

10. Halloween costume you have worn:

11. Kind of dessert:

12. Comic strip:

13. Ice cream flavor:

14. News source:

15. Vacation spot:

16. Wine:

17. Way to waste time instead of working:

18. Reality show:

19. Childrens movie:

20. Celebrity you wish would retire:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

November 16, 2008

The Woman's Work 45 Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Dawn Friedman at This Woman's Work who does not give us even a hint where it came from. So today we are in the dark about who Dawn ripped off. But, it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Sunday Stealing: The Woman's Work 45 Meme

Cheers to all us thieves!

1. Do you like blue cheese salad dressing?

2. Favorite late night snack?

3. Do you own a gun?

4. What’s your favorite drink at Starbucks or other specialty coffee shop?

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?

6. What do you think of hot dogs?

7. Favorite Christmas song?

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9. Can you do push-ups?

10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?

11. Favorite hobby?

12. Do you have A.D.D.?

13. What’s one trait that you hate about yourself?

14. The last disease you contracted?

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.

16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?

17. Current worry right now?

18. Current hate right now?

19. Favorite place to be?

20. How did you ring in the New Year?

21. Like to travel?

22. Name three people who will complete Sunday Stealing this week:

23. Do you own slippers?

24. What color shirt are you wearing?

25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

26. Can you whistle?

27. Favorite singer/band?

28. Could you ever make it 39 days on the show Survivor?

29. What songs do you sing in the shower?

30. Favorite girl’s names?

31. Favorite boy’s name?

32. What’s in your pocket right now?

33. Last thing that made you laugh?

34. Like your job?

36. Do you love where you live?

37. How many TVs do you have in your house?

38. Who is your loudest friend?

39. Do you drive the speed limit or speed?

40. Does someone have a crush on you?

41. What is your favorite book?

42. What is your favorite candy?

43. Favorite Sports Team?

44. What were you doing 12 AM last night?

45. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

November 9, 2008

The Nudder Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Corin91 at The Deer Yard who claims that it was ripped from Plastiger. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. It was 100 questions long, but we chopped it down to 15 questions. The reason why it is called The Nudder Meme is anybody's guess. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The Nudder Meme

1. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?

2. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?

3. Who was the last person you called?

4. What were you doing at 12am last night?

5. Are your parents married/divorced?

6. When did you last see your mom?

7. What are you wearing right now?

8. Where is your favorite place to be?

9. Where is your least favorite place to be?

10. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?

11. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years?

12. What was the last thing that really made you laugh?

13. What cities/towns/villages have you lived in?

14. Are you a social person?

15. Do you sleep alone?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

November 6, 2008

November 2, 2008

The McDanger Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Baino at Baino's Banter who claims that she was tagged by Terence McDanger. We would have offered Terence a link as well, but Baino did not supply one to this meme. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The McDanger Meme

What are your nicknames?

What TV gameshow or reality show would you like to be on?

What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD?

What is your favorite scent?

If you had one million dollars to spend only on yourself, what would you spend it on?

What is one place you've visited, can't forget and want to go back to?

Do you trust easily?

Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?

Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?

Do you have a good body image?

What is your favorite fruit?

What websites do you visit daily?

What have you been seriously addicted to lately?

What's the last song that got stuck in your head?

What is your favorite thing to wear?

Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy?

What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?

What items couldn't you go without during the day?

What should you be doing right now?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

October 25, 2008

The AnyHow Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called AnyHow at AnyHow Blogs. Our good friend and former Rising Blogger partner Mimi Lenox discovered it's 100 or so questions and was kind enough to edit it to 30 and steal it and pass it along. AnyHow is a bit vague as to its origins, other than to say he was tagged by his cousin to do it. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The AnyHow Meme

1. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?

2. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?

3. Do you believe in eternity love?

4. What feeling do you love most?

5. What feeling do you hate the most?

6. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

7. Do you believe in God?

8. Who cares for you most?

9. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?

10. What emotion do you like to show?

11. If you have something troubling you, what do you do?

12. Who do you admire most?

13. Who did you last chat with in a chat room?

14. What kind of person do you think the one we stole this meme from is?

15. What color did you use to dye your hair?

16. Why are you doing this meme?

17. What do you do when you're moody?

18. At which age do you wish to or did you, get married?

19. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?

20. Who is the person you trust the most?

21. Last time you smiled?

22. What are you listening to right now?

23. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?

24. Are you talking to someone while doing this?

25. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed?

26. Is there a quote you live by?

27. Do you want someone you cannot have?

28. Who always makes you laugh?

29. What was the worst idea you've had this week?

30. Do you speak another language other than English?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

October 19, 2008

The Meme About Memes & Blogging

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Barbara H. who writes the blog named Stray Thoughts. Barbara H. actually wrote the meme. So, we have a "fresh theft". She said in her original intro to this meme that its purpose was for fellow bloggers to get to know one another a bit better. She tried to come up with meme questions that she had never seen before. So, this meme was not "probably stolen at some other blog as well". Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. (If you are a victim of our theft, we add you automatically under "Previous Victims".)

Sunday Stealing: The Meme About Memes & Blogging

How do you feel about being tagged for memes?

Do you participate in any regular weekly memes? Which ones?

Have you found any bloggers that you began to read regularly after participating in a meme with them?

Do you know of any readers who found you through a meme and became regular readers?

Did you find any favorite blogs through comments or blogrolls on others’ blogs?

Did you find any favorite blogs from someone else’s recommendation?

If you comment on someone’s blog, do you expect a response? If so, do you prefer that response to come through an e-mail, a comment from them on the same post, or a a comment on your blog?

Do you ever struggle with your blogging “voice”?

Are there certain types of blogs that attract you?

Are there certain types of blogs that repel you?

What time of day do you usually blog?

Do your family and friends know about your blog? Do they read it? Do they mind if you mention them? Do they suggest posts for it?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

October 12, 2008

The "Sometimes" Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called KJ who writes the appropriate named blog KJ’s World. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. (If you are a victim of our theft, we add you automatically under "Previous Victims".)

Sunday Stealing: The "Sometimes" Meme

The "Sometimes" Meme: All you have to do is finish the sentence...

Sometimes I just need:

Sometimes I want:

Sometimes I like to:

Sometimes all it takes:

Sometimes I picture:

Sometimes I wish:

Sometimes I find:

Sometimes I take:

Sometimes I look:

Sometimes I hate:

Sometimes it’s nice:

Sometimes it hurts:

Sometimes it makes me happy:

Sometimes it’s sad:

Sometimes I listen:

Sometimes I sleep:

Sometimes I like to watch:

Sometimes I feel:

Sometimes I rant:

Sometimes I never:

Sometimes I really:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

October 5, 2008

The Aging Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Eva of A Striped Armchair. She claims that Emily tagged her for the meme, and since Emily said Eva “ is So young and yet so wise” Eva was flattered into doing the sucker. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. (If you are a victim of our theft, we add you automatically under "Previous Victims".)

Sunday Stealing: The Aging Meme

The Aging Meme: All you have to do is either finish the sentence or fill in the blanks...

At a certain age women should:

At a certain age men should:

When I was a kid I thought I would:

Now that I am older I wish:

You know you are too old to party when:

You know you are too young to retire when:

When I was in high school I listened to the music of:

Nowadays I find I like the music of:

On my last birthday I:

On my next birthday I want to:

The best birthday present I ever got was:

The first time I felt grown up was:

The last time I felt like a kid was:

When I read ________________it changed my life.

Last year was:

Next year I hope:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

September 28, 2008

The “More About Me Me Me” Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Bubbles at Popping Bubbles. She claims that it was "shamelessly stolen from my beloved Cajunvegan who pilfered it from Avitable." And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well.

SundayStealing: The "More About Me Me Me" Meme

Cheers to all us thieves!

My favorite age:

My best friend(s):

My celebrity crush:

My defining characteristic:

My most evil moment:

My favorite food:

My grossest injury:

My biggest hatred:

My most illegal activity:

My need for justice:

My most knowledgeable field:

My life’s goal:

My mother’s influence:.

My nerdiest point:

My oldest memory:

My perfect date:

My unanswered question:

My random fact:

My stupidest decision:

My favorite television show:

My style of underwear:

My favorite vegetable:

My weakest trait:

My X-men power:

My strongest yearning:

My moment of Zen:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

September 21, 2008

The "All About Me" Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Alex at Someday Syndrome. He claims that "a whole bunch of people did this verb meme a while back including the Urban Panther, the Urbane Lion, Monika and Cath..." And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off from you", please let us know. Our email address is We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The "All About Me" Meme

Complete each sentence.

I am:

I think:

I know:

I have:

I wish:

I hate:

I miss:

I fear:

I hear:

I smell:

I crave:

I search:

I wonder:

I regret:

I love:

I ache:

I am not:

I believe:

I dance:

I sing:

I cry:

I fight:

I win:

I lose:

I never:

I always:

I confuse:

I listen:

I can usually be found:

I am scared:

I need:

I am happy about:

I imagine:

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

September 14, 2008

The Meme About Blogging

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive. The longer memes we sometimes break into two parts, as is the case today. We will conclude with part 2 at some point down the road.

Today we ripped this meme off a blogger called Momma at Momma Blogs Alot. She claims that she snagged this meme from Tina @ Antique Mommy who was tagged by Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off from you", please let us know. Our email address is We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The Meme About Blogging

1. How long have you been blogging?

2. Any advice to beginners?

3. What are the good things blogging has brought to your life?

4. What would you consider the pitfalls?

5. Tell us about your blog name. Ever think of changing it? If so, to what? Why?

6. Knowing what you know now, was starting a blog a good thing for you? Why or why not?

7. How do you think blogging, bloggers, or the blogosphere has changed since you started?

8. Ultimately, what would you like your blog to accomplish for you or others?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave a comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

September 7, 2008

The "Have You Ever" Meme

Welcome back to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of memes from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First, we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme. We also provide a link to the victim's post. (It's our way of saying "Thanks!") We do sometimes edit the original meme, usually to either make it more relevant to our global players, or make it less repetitive. The longer memes we sometimes break into two parts, as is the case today. We will conclude with part 2 at some point down the road.

Today we ripped this meme off a blog and blogger called Minnesota Mom. She claims that a blogger named Esther posted it a little while back and asked her to play. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off from you", please let us know. Our email address is We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests.

Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: The "Have You Ever" Meme

Have you ever…

1. gone on a blind date?

2. skipped school?

3. watched someone die?

4. been on a plane?

5. been on the opposite side of your country?

6. swam in the ocean?

7. had your booze taken away by the cops?

8. lettered in high school sport?

9. cried yourself to sleep?

10. played cops and robbers?

11. sung karaoke?

12. paid for a meal with coins only?

13. done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?

14. cheated on an exam?

15. made prank phone calls?

16. laughed until some sort of beverage came out of your nose?

17. caught a snowflake on your tongue?

18. written a letter to Santa Claus?

19. watched the sunrise with someone you care about?

20. been kissed under the misteltoe?

21. ever been arrested?

22. gone ice skating?

23. been skinny dipping outdoors?

24. had a nickname?

25. been on TV?

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

August 31, 2008

The “Finish This Sentence” Meme

Welcome to our very first Sunday Stealing. It is very exciting to go “live” with our new blog. Here we will steal all types of memes. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find both traditional and unique memes. Every Sunday we scour the blogosphere for memes. You may have heard of the expression, “honor amongst thieves”. In that age-old tradition, we also have our rules. First we always credit the blog that we stole it from and we will “fess up” to the blog owner where we stole the meme.

Today we ripped this meme off a blog called PT-LawMom. She claims that she stole this meme from A Woman in Law School. And it was probably stolen at that blog as well. But that is as far as we go. Tracing back our theft's thieves might take some time. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be listed in our Judd's Links, just leave us a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off from you", please let us know. Our email address is We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests. Cheers to all us thieves!

Sunday Stealing: "The Finish This Sentence" Meme

1. My uncle once

2. Never in my life have I

3. When I was five my parents

4. High school was

5. I will never forget to

6. Once I met

7. There’s this boy I know

8. Once, at a bar, I

9. By noon, I’m

10. Last night I

11. If only I had

12. Next time I go to church

13. What worries me most is that I

14. When I turn my head left I see

15. When I turn my head right I see

16. You know I’m lying when I

17. What I miss most about the Eighties is

18. If I were a character in Shakespeare I’d be

19. By this time next year I will

20. A better name for me would be

21. I have a hard time understanding

22. If I ever go back to school, I’ll

23. You know I like you if I

24. If I ever won an award, the first person I would thank would be

25. Take my advice, never

Thank you for playing this week on Sunday Stealing! Please leave comment or link when you have posted. Feel free to stop back and visit other player’s posts. Have a great week. See you next Sunday!

August 24, 2008

The Sunday Stupid 33

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. Every Sunday we scour the blogosphere for memes. Sometimes they are creative. Other times, they are humorous. But like any good thief, we have our rules. First we always credit the blog that we stole it from: Today it is from a blog called called Foma. Some of these thefts will be an average meme. Yet, others will be unique and fabulous. We do always allow an author to NOT allow our theft. To date, we have been lucky. Now perhaps today we might meet a jerk? Let’s hope not. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing! If you’d like to be in our sidebars links, just leave a comment. And, of course, add us to your links as well. Or if you’d like us to “rip a meme off of you", please let us know. Our email address is
We do take tags (some of the time...) and requests.

The Sunday Stupid Thirty-Three::

1. When was the last time you cried?

2. Were you named after anyone?

3. Why are you so fickle when it comes to women?

4. What is your favorite lunchmeat?

5. Do you have kids?

6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?

7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

8. Do you still have your tonsils?

9. Would you bungee jump?

10. What is your favorite cereal?

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off

12. Do you think you are strong enough to be with me?

13. What is your favorite ice cream?

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?

15. Red or pink?

16. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?

17. Who do you mess with the most?

18. What was the last thing you ate?

19. What are you listening to right now?

20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

21. Why aren't you married?

22. Last movie you watched?

23. What did you dream about last night?

24. What book are you reading?

25. Summer or winter?

26. Hugs or kisses?

27. Do you have any special talents?

28. What are they?

29. What did you watch on TV last?

30. What is your favorite sound?

31. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?

32. Most likely to respond to this meme?

33. Least likely to respond?

Thanks for joining us! Leave a comment when you are up. And if you want us to link to each other's blogs, leave a comment. Have a great week!