August 16, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves.

Stolen from Swap Bot


1 - Handwrote a letter to a friend?

2 - Cried?

3 - Fell over?

4 - Bought a present for someone?

5 - Had a pajama day?

6 - Watched a movie that you wouldn't have gone to the cinema to see?

7 - Stayed up all night?

8 - Bought something on eBay?

9 - Colored in a coloring book?

10 - Told someone you love them?

11 - Kissed someone?

12 - Went to the doctors?

13 - You traveled by train?

14 - Screamed because you were scared?

15 - Visited your hometown?

16 - Went on vacation?

17 - Finished reading a book?

18 - Went to a church service?

19 - Wore a hat?

20 - Turned off your mobile phone? 




Annie said...

Thank y ou!

CountryDew said...

This is different from the one that was up that I did.

Roger Owen Green said...

Ditto to what CountryDew said.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Roger

**Syl said...

A week late!!

Steaph Pual said...

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